I totally dig the art style that came along with this test, but you really need to work on the technical aspect of the voices since they have a very important role in your work. The sound is very low, the characters speak fairly quickly and the accent is very present, even if it is faked. Put all these together and you'll bring difficulties for understanding to both non-English speakers and regulars. I had to listen to the punchline thrice to comprehend it, and I'm not deaf nor unacquainted with the language.
Please take note as this review also applies to some of your other works, where the Voice Acting takes a big role but falls short in quality due to very basic technical aspects not meeting certain expectations. If you're completely unable to tweak these parameters (sound, clarity and pronunciation) I recommend adding the option for subtitles because it will then ensure most will be able to understand what you're trying to get your characters to say without having to listen more than once.