
123 Movie Reviews

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It's alright. Style reminds me of Animal Crossing a little.

The way he shakes a bit feels like he's about to lose balance so that felt kinda weird, solid pose at the end though. Good effects too.

I'll recommend you turn these into .gifs and put them in the Art Portal; the Movie Portal isn't for super short silent stuff like this.

VicDromer responds:

Now that you say so... it's true! :O (But I'm never play AC haha)

Yeah, you're right, I'll try to improve my animations in the future! ^^

Oh! I didn't know that I could put animtaions in the Art Portal, but in the future I will do it!


Very sweet mock-up. The art is kickin!

It felt a little bit slow at the start, with the text speed in particular, but after the music drop when it showed the game "mechanics" I was sold super good on the concept. Officially better than actual game trailers out there.

Great job!

InkAntlers responds:

Thank you!
I wanted to respect the pace of the music but i might have overdone it now that i think about it more.
In my first draft there were no beginning credits at all and more sequences but my college is very strict about adding SOME credits (was part of the exercise) so i decided to place them at the beginning since it wouldn't really interfere much.
It was on itself a rushed decision so i see where you're coming from!
Thanks for the input i appreciate it.

Pretty cool, I like the delivery and the simple style. How the letters are also animated feels pretty human as well which helps with the message; I'm afraid this might convince someone out there to not shower though.

Could have used some sound perhaps; due to how simple this is maybe it could be redone in HTML5 at some point for Mobile support and reach more people.

Pretty cute, I find this could have worked as a loop without the fade out in the end.

This is pretty simple and yet kinda promising.
However, you're aware you have 19 minutes of a still image in there, right?
I can't protect vote for it like this.

wow what a potato bitch

The animation is pretty smooth, very good lip sync. I don't understand the content sadly.

Though, I can relate to the belly button goblin.

Pretty okay for a first animation, very fluid body movement, skate flip was indeed pretty sick. Could speed up some bits like her rolling up the skate park thing, before slowing down and showcasing the move.

Missing sound as well, could have done some stuff with that.

The color scheme is good, background is alright too; though I can still notice it reversing and looping again. Sadly the perspective on Link makes it seem like he is in front of her rather than behind her, as well.

No sound either, could have just used sounds from the game or similar. Besides that, her face also keeps bulging; I mean it's funny, but I don't think you were going for that. Sometimes people don't animate enough, you just happened to do the opposite and animated every single thing possible and had all parts move, I respect that, but I can't say I dig it.

Electronics, Programming, Art, and Butts enthusiast.

Age 29, Male


Somewhere in space

Joined on 3/17/09

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