
123 Movie Reviews

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This could be pretty decent with some more work, add some sounds maybe if you're not going to add more frames.

Sadly I can't vouch for it in its current state.

Pretty cool stuff man, my favorites were around 0:46; solid anatomy and perspective/turn around studies. The old tests were pretty nice as well, you seem to have frame by frame down for the most part.

As we are speaking animation though, I'm not sure how you connect different things into your work to give it life, so I suggest making a short if you want actual critique.

If I were to look at this as a movie it is kinda lacking since there's a lot of silence and empty space. Could certainly cut down on some of that silence and add some audio; it's not because this is a experimental reel that you can't make it efficient or even interesting on its own.

Cristalflake responds:

Thank you so much!! Actually, its silent because the first animatic was with some copyright music, so i took it off, but didn't added nothing else (im kinda dumb too)
Also, thanks for the tip! I'll try to make some shorts too to add here!

Love me some anthropomorphic aminals!
Very nice expressions and colors, the jump cuts were on point! You have a cute voice, too.

Amazing stuff! The character design is REALLY good, I like the fluid animation too.
Maybe the script could use some better pacing, a lot of downtime between delivering meaningful parts of the story and I find that's very dangerous for a pilot.

Besides that, I feel Gramps voice lines have a bit of distortion on them? Not sure if I'm tripping on that. Either way, keep up!

This was pretty good and funnily animated, you're a great singer man!

Though the animation was a bit unsettling at points when I really wasn't expecting it. Not sure if that was your goal or not, but I can't say I liked that.

The animation on this is nothing short of fantastic, very creative too!

Sadly as it has been pointed out the Voices are rough and demand the need of Subtitles, or perhaps they could be redone so they are clearer sounding.
We have lots of talented VAs here on Newgrounds, so you could consider working with them sometime, but that's obviously just a tip.

There's also a lot of dead space in the video due to the editing (a minute of nothing), perhaps a trailing voice file as I can hear some shifting before it ends.

I really like the sync at the start and the frame by frame, the character design is very nice too.
However I couldn't understand what happened at the end there, this looks like a WIP overall.

Sadly I can't be vouching for it in its current state.

Tabuley responds:

can't blame you haha, it's just a dumb shitpost for twitter that I thought i'd try to upload there as well.

This isn't a bad intro actually, but it doesn't really classify as a movie of any sort.
Upload something including it next time.

I saw this on the front page and didn't take me long to notice that the crudely drawn dog and humorously-named author both took part in an interesting game I had played a while ago which brought me many smiles and tears. Somehow my apparent internet nostalgia led me to believe that this would be some bright hearted thing rather than the shock valued mess that it really is, and boy was I mistaken.

While the animation quality isn't the best, it is good enough to leave an enhanced bitter taste with all the detailed shit, piss and gore flying about to most of those who sit through it. Coming to think of it, I was never a big fan of your animation works, and still am not. The audio on the other hand is nothing short of appropriate to say the least.

I totally dig the art style that came along with this test, but you really need to work on the technical aspect of the voices since they have a very important role in your work. The sound is very low, the characters speak fairly quickly and the accent is very present, even if it is faked. Put all these together and you'll bring difficulties for understanding to both non-English speakers and regulars. I had to listen to the punchline thrice to comprehend it, and I'm not deaf nor unacquainted with the language.

Please take note as this review also applies to some of your other works, where the Voice Acting takes a big role but falls short in quality due to very basic technical aspects not meeting certain expectations. If you're completely unable to tweak these parameters (sound, clarity and pronunciation) I recommend adding the option for subtitles because it will then ensure most will be able to understand what you're trying to get your characters to say without having to listen more than once.

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Age 29, Male


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