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The coloring work on this is fantastic, very faithful to Warhammer! Details on the chaos marine like the book/cloth and symbols are superb too.

Great work man.

HandKannon responds:

Thank you. I think Warhammer has the best characters and character designs in sci-fi. So many other franchises draw inspiration from it Starcraft being the most notable but yeah Space marines chaos and loyal are awesome.

I didn't even notice you mixed this with an actual picture! Nailed the bumps in her paper surface too. Great work.

Furboz responds:

Thanks, I even flexed a paper myself to get the desired effect for the texture. The bus stop is locaded outside my old home and the building it's behind those green pillars...

I appreciate that pentagram design on her outfit, surprisingly subtle as it took me a moment to notice!

Also the lineless hair is really dope. Sadly it doesn't contrast very well with her skin color, making it a bit hard to make out, so that kills a lot of the picture for me.

Em0Panda responds:

Thank you for your comments! next time i work on a piece like this i'll try using more vibrant colors to make things pop more.

I really, REALLY love the background and the way you applied detail on not only the things but also the outfits. Sadly this contrasts very hard with the lady up front, whose face is lacking in that department. In my opinion she steals a lot of the attention that belongs elsewhere to me.

I'm not sure if it was on purpose, considering your other pieces have very decent anatomy. I'd certainly vouch for a version where she's wearing her scarf as a mouth mask of sorts, using the clash of detail in a more positive, obvious way.

Diggymungo responds:

Hey I really appreciate it!! I agree, I really could have planned out the visual hierarchy a bit better. I also did take some liberties so I could show her smile, maybe dropping some bangs on her might have the same effect?

Sadly this looked a bit more promising from the thumbnail. You've drawn this "chibi" in a way that makes it difficult to figure out her alignment in terms of dimensional space, an example being like how her right ear is bigger than her left one despite her face being turned in a way where it's meant to be the other way around.

Her shoulder is also kind of floating there, her entirety of the torso being almost a polygon. The sword unfortunately looks incredibly dimensionless as well. I like her face, though, as much as you probably seemed to. Color work is pretty neat, too. Taken that you're considering making commission work similar to this, I'm being a bit more judgmental than usual.

Dullahanastasia responds:

Aha! I knew something was wrong with the ears but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Thank you for this critique as I now know what I've been doing wrong with all of my artwork. So I guess I just need to practice dimensions and perspective haha. Seriously thank you, this helped me a lot! <3

Good effort, sadly the lack of depth conceptualization along with the asymmetry makes it a bit difficult to distinguish parts of the character, making it look a bit messy if you don't already know how Raiden looks. This is solely my opinion, though.

tatsumaru7 responds:

Hmm yea I know what you mean. My next one will be better :)

REALLY cool! it's reinvigorating to see some traditional art for once. Phenomenal stuff.

ewtrtw responds:

It's a pleasure to read such comments)
Thanks :3

I KNEW the thumbnail was but a trap.

LegolaSS responds:


I could recognize your style from the first panel, man. Your work has got a lot of style into it, and always manages to get a good laugh out of me. Great work!

ToonHole responds:

I'd trade it all in for some fashion style, any day!

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