Really well done, tricky game! This managed to grasp me for a solid amount of hours.
The mechanics feel very unique for a puzzle game, the jumping/click added an extra layer of complexity to it. I've honestly never seen anything like it before and it absolutely destroyed me (as any great puzzle should). There are some kinks to be worked out here and there, like lines not placing if you are crossing them for even 1 frame mid jump, or untraversable/obtuse angle lines being hard to make out, but it's nothing too serious.
The audio design is very sweet, maybe needs some extra musical tracks for variation. The sound effects were really satisfying - great ear for picking those.
The graphical presentation is very nice for the most part. It's easy to forget how pretty geometry can be when you aren't usually drawing it out yourself. The assets are very nice and detailed. Sadly, I can't say the same for the main "character". The white rectangle fellow against the detailed background gives BIG "placeholder" vibes, it simply does not feel like it belongs there. I still haven't beaten the game 100% so I don't know if there's a plot you made for it, but I highly recommend next time putting more energy/love into a mascot, at least give the poor guy some outlines. The player will be looking at that thing the entire time, so if it looks boring/unappealing it might hurt your game's retention and might make it hard to remember to most.
TL;DR: Awesome game mechanic, decent audio, ok presentation. I spent most of this review's time phrasing how much I did not like a solid rectangle as a protagonist. Great job overall!